Sunday 5 January 2014

Welcome to Twenty 14, Blah Blah

Here we are again at the New Year. This time for 'new year, new me' and shaky resolutions that don't hold up over the duration of January. Personally, I've never really been into resolutions, goal setting at the new year, or any of the other melodramas which can be witnessed on social media in this day in age. But of course I am going to add my two cents. So here goes:

Goal setting is important. I have come to the realization that goals are necessary in life. No matter how confused you are of the direction your life may be heading, even a simple goal can bring clarity and peace of mind to those searching. I am still new at this goal setting thing but some tips I have carried with me from the wiser include: Make them realistic. There is no point in setting a goal you will never obtain. Make them specific. How will you know if you have reached your destination if the endpoint is covered with fog? Set a time specification. Giving a set time to accomplish a goal will continually motivate you to keep chip chipping away. Refer back. By recording the progress of your goals you will be able to make necessary adjustments to challenge yourself and push those limits!

New year reminders.  The new year is a time for reflecting back upon what you have accomplished or maybe failed at over the former year. It is personally my favorite time of the year (I have always thought it would be neat to be proposed to at midnight, but that's a story for another day). By taking the time to reflect, it is essentially a debrief in its own sense. It takes an honest person to evaluate them self and recognize the flaws of their year and in turn develop goals to strengthen those weaknesses. But I feel it is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, which brings me to my next point.

Be independent & be yourself! I don't mean to preach, but this is where I feel most of us stare face to face with our inevitable downfall, and yes I definitely include myself here. Coming from the girl who has been in a relationship for the better part of the last 7 years, it is time to be independent, self sufficient, and dammit be that girl he fell in love with! It is easy to be fun and funny and outgoing when you meet someone for the first time and fall oh so head over heels (gag me!) It is not quite as easy to be that person when you're comfortable with someone and have began to build a life together. Everyone relies on others in some way or another and the new year reminds us that we don't want to be known as someone who runs to their boyfriend/girlfriend/mummy/daddy/best friend whenever we are faced with a hardship. Cry your river, build your own bridge and move on stronger and more self confident than before!

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." -A.A Milne

Feel free to have a gander, drop a line, offer some feedback, I'd love to hear from you!

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