Friday 18 April 2014

Tornado Within

A tornado is created when the varying air pressures and temperatures meet in a collision of forceful wind and the funnel-like formation of destruction is formed. This is the feeling I feel within with every trip to the airport, at every goodbye uttered. I feel the collision of forces, my heart spinning and twisting, as the forces attempt to pull in two different directions, two opposite corners of the globe.

I like to put others' needs and wants above my own. To consider what is best for everyone involved, leaving out the one person who has to live with that decision, happy or not. Me. This is where the tornado of emotions originates. My desire to please. My own wants conflicting with those of who I truly love. But this is my adventure now. My decision made for me. MY happiness. I am proud of my decision. I love the life I am leading. The path less taken.

Despite my own acceptance of my decision, that tornado rages on inside with every departure gate until it comes to rest dormant once again as the calm before that next storm ready to wreak havoc on my heart.